
Yesterday was a strange day for me.  We moved our daughter out of our house to her own apartment.  She is excited to make the move.  On one hand I am excited for her and on the other I am heart broken.  Is that too strong of a descriiption.  No not heart broken - more reluctant to see her go just yet.  There is so much still to learn.  She is finishing up school this month; then she needs to find full time employment.  There seems to be a reluctance to leave our area.  The idea that you leave to go where the job is seems foreign.  Now, to be fair there is someone else in the picture complicating matters just a wee bit.  So, I struggle with wanting to offer "tips for living" knowing that they will fall on deaf ears.  I just gotta let her go and see how it all shakes down.  Gah.  Not liking it one little bit.  


  1. yeah, I can see how that can be hard. But keep giving her to the Mother of God and ask the Lord to protect and guild... it is hard to let go!


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