Things I Know

  1. I have some of the best friends.  We took a little road trip to Merritt yesterday and walked and talked and laughed and ate and drank and just basically enjoyed the other.
  2. I am really digging this new app OGGL by Hipstomatic  - all the photos except for the deer are taken with the app.
  3. The blackberries are AWESOME this year.  Sweet and juicy and we have eaten them fresh and in a crisp.
  4. I am also quite loving Periscope - another new app - for sharing and learning new information.  It is a livestreaming app that allows you to follow people and hear what they have to say live.  You can also listen to the broadcast after it is over - but, only for 24 hours.
  5. I am enjoying the freedom of not having to go to my day job - I have been off this week and our days have been filled with some grand activities.  
  6. I enjoy reading a good book.
  7. I miss my children - we have been like ships passing in the night and feel quite disconnected from the two of them.  My son will be leaving for school in September so aiming to have some family dinners.
  8. I am committed to getting back into better physical shape - need to lose 20 lbs by end of December.
  9. I have awesome business partners.
  10. I enjoy learning.  I have been listening to some great audio books on personal development and using the above mentioned Periscope App to follow some great teachers.


  1. I love reading your lists. Friends are such a blessing. Nice pictures. Glad you are taking them and reading. God bless. You and family are still on our prayer list...


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