NaBloPoMo day 1 #whole30 day 20

Hello. This is me.  Happy November 1 people.  Day 20 of whole30 is almost in the books.  Tomorrow we start single digits baby.  I feel good.  I am pleased with my progress.  I have probably lost weight.  I will not get on the scale until the very last day.  I am looking forward to finishing up and then introducing a few foods and seeing how things go.  We are heading to Seattle next week so I will enjoy my time away and we will reintroduce homemade pizza night on Friday.... and then a shindig on the 14th and I will start round 2 on November 16th which will fit in nicely with the beginning of Advent.  I am missing the sweet more than I thought I would.  But, sugar will not be the first food I introduce - at least in the purest form.  I distracted myself from the weather and the stringent requirements of my diet by attending a fundraiser for cancer research.  The Power of the Purse - I came home with 3 bags.  Too slightly used - one fancy and one very practical - see above and one new kelly green bag perfect for spring.  

Buoyed by my success in committing myself to the structure and guidelines of whole30, I am going to participate in NaBloPoMo this year.  I am also hitching myself to Olympia's #apieceadaywithOlympia Makers make and writers write.  Who wants to join us?


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