new day :: new year
So, here we are, a new day and a new year. I have always loved new beginnings. The cracking open of a new journal, new markers, sharpening new pencil crayons, preparing calendars with all the important dates... it is a chance to start over. Knowing that despite all what has come before we always have the opportunity to start over. This is essential knowledge for my continued mental health. I know it is a cliche, but it resonates as truth for me.
I am starting the new year with a new routine - I am doing some focused meditation in the mornings and then jumping on the elliptical machine. I have two major goals: growing my business and improving my overall fitness - which includes weight loss and strength building. I have minor goals too. I will be much more selective with how I utilize my time and social media. I am going back to #whole30 living. Eliminating sugar, alcohol and dairy will do me wonders. This will help fend of brain fog and enable better decision making abilities. I am participating in the #Blog4MH challenge this month.
What perimeters do you set for your life?
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