Friday gratitudes #findthelight

  • my parents who are both still living and the frequent conversations I get to have with them
  • tulips - tulips are a sign that spring is coming ... the snow is melting and the days are milder
  • film camera - I love my ol' canon ae-1.  I have reloaded it with film and I am becoming much more diligent about using it again
  • my found scarf 
  • washi tape - this is a crazy business 
Oh my goodness people.  It is Friday again.  A short week due to the holiday on Monday but, a full week. My coaching classes were jam packed full of good learning.  I have connected with someone who will help me with my website.  I have a domain name secured.  This all happened very quickly and I was DECISIVE.
Things are happening over here and it is exciting.  Happy weekending.


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