Friday Gratitudes #findthelight

  • Coffee - our new coffee maker is most excellent.  It is a treat to have brewed coffee in the morning.  
  • Gas Fireplace - it is ridiculous that I have it turned on on April 7th - but it is pouring rain again today and cold and frankly miserable outside
  • Reconnecting with an old friend - oh my goodness - this was amazing - while at home visiting my father a memory of times spent with an old friend starting surfacing and within a week she had reached out to me on facebook
  • My Diffuser - lemon and frankincense in my new jam
  • Sharon van Etton - listened to a CD of hers on a road trip - haunting and the perfect soundtrack 
Guys.  The rain.  I woke and I could hear it - the incessant drips on my sunroof.  It was all I could do to not crawl back into bed and throw the covers over my head.  Instead I got up and made coffee and I will very soon begin to do the work of the day.  It is my first Friday in Langley in three weeks.  I am grateful for the weekend and some familiar routines.  One day the sun will shine again.  I believe.


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