Friday Gratitudes #findthelight

  • morning walks with Mr. W - now that school is out for the summer we are changing up our routines
  • found flowers - consciously seeking out blooms and blossoms when I am out and about
  • cherry season - okanagan cherries are just hitting the lower mainland - scheming as to when we can make a quick trip home to pick up a supply as we LOVE them
  • New coaching contacts - I have met some incredible people these last few weeks - opportunities to learn are all around me
  • Home grown lettuce - our garden is a simple affair; lettuce, herbs and tomatoes 
Summer time means we change up the routines here.  Last half of the year begins now.  This weekend I will spend some time revisiting my word of the year.  DECISIVE.  I will re orientate myself and revisit my goals for this year.  I will do some self -evaluation.  I will finish my Summer Manifesto.  Do you write one?  Basically, it is just a huge list of all the things we would wish to do this summer.  We do not get too bent out of shape if things don't get done but, it is an opportunity to remind ourselves of seasonal activities that we might sometimes just neglect for don't give ourselves time to plan... to execute.   


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